Late Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous stratigraphy and microfacies of the Czorsztyn Succession in the Spisz area, Pieniny Klippen Belt, Poland


  • Andrzej Wierzbowski


A stratigraphic and microfacies study of the pelagic carbonate sequence of late Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous age of the Czorsztyn Succession in the Spisz area of the Pieniny Klippen Belt is presented. The sequence begins with the Czorsztyn Limestone Formation which developed on subsiding blocks of shallow-water crinoid limestones during the time interval from the Bathonian to Early/Middle Tithonian. The three succeeding microfacies are recognized and dated: the filament microfacies (Bathonian-Callovian, and ?earliest Oxfordian), the Globuligerina microfacies (Oxfordian), the Saccocoma microfacies (Kimmeridgian to Early/Middle Tithonian). The still younger microfacies of the Dursztyn Limestone Formation include the Globochaete microfacies, and calpionellid microfacies of Middle/Late Tithonian to Middle Berriasian age. The organogenic limestones and breccias of the Łysa Limestone Formation are of Late Berriasian age; their origin was related to tectonic activity which produced a highly diversified sea bottom topography markedly changing the previous sedimentation pattern. The lowermost part of the Spisz Limestone Formation is extremely condensed, and corresponds to a large part of the VaIanginian, excluding its uppermost part. The most important new findings of Valanginian ammonites include representatives of genera: Thurmanniceras, Karakaschiceras, Olcostephanus, and Jeanthieuloyites.



