Młode przesunięcia tektoniczne w jaskiniach tatrzańskich


  • Zbigniew Wójcik
  • Stefan Zwoliński


YOUNG TECTONIC DISPLACEMENT IN THE TATRA CAVESIn the limestone Tatra caves of the high-tatric series the occurrence has been noted of·tectonic displacements. They are responsible for the enlargement of some cave conduits and chambers formed during the phreatic episode, thus bringing about the formation of tectonic chambers and rockfalls. The older displacement planes are with a N-S direction, the younger trend SW-NE or W-E. The displacements in the Magura Cave has been formed prior to the last interglacial period, those of the Raptawicka and Poszukiwaczy Skarbów Caves after it. Displacements in other caves are still younger. These have been formed in the sides of preglacial valleys of Pleistocene and Holocene age. Changes in the strain pattern, due to deep incision of valleys, are the direct cause of fractures in the rock massifs, while seismic farces have brought about the occurrence of displacements.



