Budowa geologiczna Koszystej w Tatrach


  • Jerzy Głazek


GEOLOGY OF THE KOSZYSTA MASSIF (HIGH TATRA MOUNTAINS)Types of granite differentiated within the area of the Koszysta Massif have, in a varying extent, been subjected to the, process of pegmatitisation. Those that are more strongly altered constitute, a zone stretching W-E, gently dipping S, and expanding to the north. The following are structures distinguished within the sedimentary series autochtonic unit; crystalline core of the Czerwone Wierchy fold, lower limb of the Giewont fold, and the lower sub-tatric nappe. Campilian and Anisian rocks have been ascertained m the Giewont fold. Lithological complexes have been differentiated in the Anisian of the Giewont fold, and in the Triassic and Lias of the lower sub-tatric nappe.



