Serie wierchowe południowych zboczy Bobrowca


  • Zbigniew Wójcik


HIGB-TATRIC SERIES IN THE SOUTH SIDE OF MT. BOBROWIEC (WESTERN TATRA. MOUNTAINS)The autochtonic but folded Kominy Tylkowe series crops out on the south side of Mt. Bobrowiec (Western Tatra), beneath ,the lower sub-tatric nappe. It is built of·Seis sandstones and shales,. Keuper conglomerates, sandstones and shales, Rhaetic Iimestones and shales, Liassic arenaceous limestones and limestones with cherts, and of MaIm limestones. The Liassic and Malm-Neocom deposits are folded and form several plunging folds with preserved synclinal root twists. Above the Lias is the Keuper scale on which rests the gneiss scale occurring among sedimentary rocks. The gneiss scale constitutes an independent tectonic element and is not connected with any of the high-tatric folds. Shattered tectonic high-tatric fragments from the base of the lower sub-tatric nappe, probably belonging to the Czerwone Wierchy fold, occur above the gneisses in the west, above folded Liassic rocks in the east.



