Z zagadnień stratygrafii plejstocenu na Niżu Europejskim


  • Bronisław Halicki


Some problems concerning the stratigraphy of the Pleistocene of the European LowlandThe detailed revision of the stratigraphy of all interglacial sections in Poland was included long ago in the plan of my studies. As this purpose could not be realized within a short time, and the necessity of first making a review of results already obtained was obvious, I decided to make an appropriate statement based upon literature already existing. I hoped that not all the profiles with interglacial sediments in Poland may be found in such a confused stratigraphical situation that the interpretation of their age would need correction. The study of the recent Polish and foreign literature enabled me to get certain correlations first of all between the Quaternary of the Niemen basin, investigated with my co-operation; and the territory of Poland on the one hand, and also between Poland and the west and east of Europe - on the other.



