O egzotykach wapieni jurajskich brzeżnej części Karpat i Przedgórza między Sanem i Wiarem


  • Roman Ney


On exotics of Jurassic limestones from the marginal Carpathian area and the foreland between the San and the Wiar riversLimestone exotics are encountered within ,the Upper Cretaceous Inoceramus beds in the marginal area of the Flysch Carpathians, south of Przemyśl, between the river San and the river Wiar (fig. 1). They occur as major klippen rocks some tens of metres in diameter, or as more or less rounded blocks (fig. 2). As a rule they are embedded within the shale-marly series of Flysch Inoceramus beds. Furthermore they are similarly found within Miocene Foreland formations. Their rather important concentration has been noted in Helvetian Dubnik conglomerates (pI. XLIII), where they occur as pebbles with size up to 15 cm. Limestone pebbles are also found in the overlying Stebnik beds (Helivetian-Lower Tortonian), and in Lower Tortonian Balice beds. The .occurrence of Iimestone blocks and pebbles within Middle Tortonian Radycz conglemerates on the Optyń Hill in Pikulice is not frequent.



