Budowa geologiczna Wyżniej Świstówki


  • Krystyna Grochocka-Rećko


Geology of Wyżnia Świstówka (Western Tatra)The Wyżnia Świstówka cirque lies in the upper part of Dolina Małej Łąki valley, within the Czerwone Wierchy massif of Western Tatra. This massif was the classic area of F. Rabowski's geologic investigations. The structuraI intricacies of the high-tatric Czerone Wierchy fold, sheared by the crystalline core of the Giewont fold preserved on the Czerwone Wierchy peaks, have been described by that author. The most comprehensive report of the geology of this area was discovered among F. Rabowski's manuscripts (1959) and maps (Rabowski 1955, Michalik 1959). Z. Kotański's stratigraphic investigations (1955a, b, 1956, 1959) permitted the distinction of new lithologo-stratigraphic horizons in the high-taric Triassic. His data supplied a basis for the differentiation of a number of new tectonic units, such as the parautochtonous Stoły fold, also the southern (Ździary) and northern (Organy) units of the Czerwone Wierchy fold. Both these units have a synclinal structure and their synclinal bends curve southward (Kotański 1961).



