Budowa geologiczna Małej Swistówki

Michał Szulczewski


The geology of Mała Świstówka in Western Tatra

Belofw a sub-tatric overthrust the high-tatric Czerwone Wierchy fold is exposed in Mała Świstówka and Wołowy Żleb gully (western upper parts of Dolina Miętusia valley within the Czerwone Wierchy massif of Western Tatra) (pl. I). Anisian vermicular linestones and yellow-weathering platy dolomites, intercalated with crinoidal limestone, are the oldest elerments of that foId. The Middle Triassic is overlalin by the Dogger. The depositian of each of the Dogger stages was preceded by a period of erosion causing the Bajcian and the Bathonian to be preserved only in the form of lenses and sheets (pl. II; p1.VI, fig. 2).

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