Otoczaki skał egzotycznych z warstw łaziskich w rejonie Tych i Mikołowa

Wiesław Heflik, Rafał Unrug


Pebbles of exotic rocks from the Łaziska beds in the Tychy and Mikołów area (Upper Silesia Coal Basin)

Pebbles of exotic rooks from the Łaziska beds (Westphalian C) are describeted. The source area of the clastic material active during the Westphalian C was situaded north of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin at a distance of ca. 200 km. lt was built of orthoquartzites, lydites, silicified limestones and various type of quartzitic schists, paragneisses, alkaline granites and porphyres. The sedimentary rocks were strongly veined by quartz. The plutonism was probably related with the Sudetic phase of tectonic movements.

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