Głęboki kras synkliny bolesławieckiej w Sudetach


  • Jan Krasoń
  • Zbigniew Wójcik


The deep karst of the Bolesławiec syncline in the Sudetes Mts.Deep karst deposits of the Bolesławiec syncline have been found in carbonate Zechstein rocks below Quaternary, Cretaceous and Middle and Lower Triassic sediments. Circulation takes place mainly in fault zones along which the waters from the subterranean reservoirs above the Zechstein descend to 1,000 m. below the relief surface (about 750 m below the sea level). In the karsted rocks, besides caves occasionally more than 1,500 cubic metres in, volume, the presence is commonly noted of outwashed fissures. weathered - porous and spongy - limestones, also decalcified plastic clays. The deep karst of the Bolesławiec syncline is of an ancient, Upper Permian origin. Its maximum development is associated with the weathering processes of the younger Tertiary and older Quaternary. In order to reliably determine the water-threatened zones in the copper mines of the North-Western Sudetes the writers recommend detailed tectonic, petrographic and hydrogeologic works, as well as television soundings in the caves here considered.



