Stosunek górnego karbonu do podłoża w północno-wschodniej części noworudzkiego rejonu węglowego


  • Kazimierz Dziedzic


The Upper Carboniferous and its substratum in the north-eastern part of the Nowa Ruda coal basinThe relation is here discussed of the Upper Carboniferous deposits to their Lower Carboniferous substratum between Dzikowiec and Nowa Wieś in the north-eastern part of the Nowa Ruda coal basin, at the boundary of the intrasudetic depression and the Bardo region. The currently accepted opinions postulating tectonic movements and their connection with the discordance of the Sudetic phase are contested. On evidence of earth works it is shown that the Wałbrzych beds generally have a tectonic boundary with the Lower Carboniferous. Moreover, the presence here is suggested of deposits from the Wałbrzych beds that are older than the quartz conglomerates which now crop out there Slickensided surfaces and tectonic striae are discussed. The structures mentioned above indicate a rotation of forces during their formation.



