Budowa geologiczna górnej części Doliny Kościeliskiej w Tatrach


  • Wojciech Jaroszewski


Geology of the upper part of the Kościeliska valley in the Tatra Mts.The upper part of the Kościeliska valley in the Tatra Mts. is built of metamorphic and granitoid rocks belonging to the crystalline core of the Tatras, also of the autochthonous sedimentary cover. The geological field observations suggest that the metamorphic rocks represent a parametamorphic complex which resulted from Variscan lithogenesis and metamorphism. In relation to the Variscan diastrophism the granitoids are late-orogenic, being essentially plutonic rocks but in the top parts and within the metamorphic cover they are metasomatic in character. The sedimentary series belong to the Alpine cycle. New mapping of the terrain and a statistical analysis of the plotted structural measurements reveal that, during Variscan orogeny, the crystalline rocks were subjected to very moderate, disturbances of a brachy-fold character. The Alpine orogeny, however, had a disjunctive character in the crystalline massif, being of a mixed nature in the sedimentary cover. An analysis of the observations made throughout the Tatras suggests -that the main Variscan trends in these mountains were probably vertical to those so far accepted, i.e., that they had a N-S - NE-SW direction. As for the Alpine orogeny - probably :in the crystalline massif of the, whole Tatra range - it was responsible for the formation of major dislocations; blocks, delimited by these dislocations, represent the transversal elevations and depressions long known within the Tatras. Numerous microstructures formed in the crystalline massif during the Alpine phases, mostly slickensides and striae, locally also fracture cleavage and microfolds.



