Geologia Centralnej Depresji Karpackiej miedzy Żmigrodem a Sanokiem


  • Henryk Kozikowski


GEOLOGY OF THE CENTRAL CARPATHIAN DEPRESSION BETWEEN ŻMIGRÓD AND SANOK (THE POLISH FLYSCH CARPATHIANS)The Central Carpathian Depression is a major syncline (fig. 1). The investigation of its individual members over a larger area has, thus far, encountered considerable difficulties. The geologists of the Polish Oil Industry have surveyed and mapped an area of 850 sq. km., with supplementary evidence yielded by dug-outs and deep borings. These studies have greatly modified previous views concerning the tectonics of the considered area (tabl. I and fig. 2). 4,200 m. of the stratigraphic column, from the Albian to the Oligocene, have been examined and facial analyses made (fig. 3). The resulting inferences are supported by micropalaeontological evidence leading to the establishment of the stratigraphic position of the Cretaceous, Paleocene, Lower- and Middle Eocene oil-bearing series (figs.4-5). Six main and several smaller tectonic elements have been distinguished which have been assigned to three distinct areas:1. Northern - with the predominance of steep generally regular anticlines;2. Central - which is a scale-folded area. The two scales (Pustki and Łubno) were, so far, considered as one locally scaled anticline. It has now been made clear that the Iwonicz- Rymanów anticline is separated from the Bóbrka anticline by a distinct syncline and that together they overthrust the Kopytowa scale; Both these areas are characterised by disharmonic internal structure of their tectonic elements, resulting from differences of plasticity of the Eocene shales in relation to the sandstone Cretaceous core am the more rigid Oligocene cover.3. Southern - the Zboiska-Rudawka Rymanowska anticline which, in its part of maximum uplifting, passes into a scale with a 4 km. overthrust. The group of the Dukla folds was overthrust onto its peripheral syncline. 



