Główne elementy tektoniczne Karpat z uwzględnieniem górotworu Salidów


  • Konstanty Tołwiński


THE CHIEF TECTONIC ELEMENTS OF THE CARPATHIAN MTSAn interpretation is given at the chief tectonic elements of the Carpathian Mts. A new tectonic unit named the Salides is here differentiated. It is characterised by strong individuality of stratigraphy and tectonics and stretches from Be¹va in Moravia across the Western and Eastern Carpathians, as far as the Campina area in South Rumania. The Salides embrace the marginal element mantled by the Miocene salt formation and constituting depth element hidden under the exterior Carpathians. When drawing conclusions as to the tectonics of the Carpathian Mts., the present writer has taken into consideration the recent gravimetric and seismographic data as well as latest evidence supplied by deep borings in Western Carpathians. Some inferences concerning the history of Carpathian orogeny end up the paper.



