Osuwiska podmorskie we fliszu podhalańskim


  • Krystyna Grzybek
  • Bronisław Halicki


SUBMARINE SLIDES IN THE PODHALE FLYSCH (CARPATHIANS)Disturbances of slip bedding folds and true slide type are phenomena associated with submarine gravitational movements of sediments that are described here from the Podhale flysch area. The intensity of these phenomena is reported to decrease from east to west within the lower members of the flysch area, while within its upper members the order is reversed. The writers believe this to be due to orogenic movements at work in the Podhale geosyncline. The exotic material of flysch beds is built up mainly of Tatride and Granide elements. The coarse-clastic fraction of deposits near the bottom of flysch beds diminishes from east to west, but from west to east towards the top. This suggests that clastic material in the Podhale basin is derived from diverse supply sources during particular development stages of the geosyncline.



