Preglacjalne i interglacjalne osady w Tatrach
PREGLACIAL AND INTERGLACIAL DEPOSITS IN THE TATRA MTSThe travertine cemented talus breccia, discovered at the summit of Mount Ciemniak in the Czerwone Wierchy massif of the Western Tatra Range (fig. 1), has been formed at the base of the mountain slope – whose reconstruction is shown in fig. 2 - under completely different morphological conditions. In order to determine the age of the breccia the writer has devoted some time to extensive geomorphological speculations primarily concerned with the detection within the Tatra Mts. of relicts of Preglacial morphology (fig. 3). According to Lucerna's Qpinion (1908) these forms were nearly completely obliterated during the Pleistocene in result of incision work caused by glacier cirques and periglacial activities. It is the writer's belief that conditions which had prevailed during the Quarternary in the Czerwone Wierchy massif allowed for the persistance there of Preglacial relief forms but slightly altered. It is not out of the question that the flat plane summit surface (2100 m.) here, as in the Karkonosze Range of the Sudeten Mts., represents relicts of the Miocene peneplain which developed during the first cycle of erosion after the Paleogene emersion. Hence the polygenic character of Preglacial surface. The age of the talus breccia cannot be accurately determined. Most probably it is a Preglacial deposit, though it may be possibly referred to Miocene or interglacial times. Talus breccias have been also recorded from several other sites. These, owing to their morphological position, should be referred to the interglacial period. One of these breccias has a moraine cover (fig. 4). Within the Tatra Mts., besides relatively compact travertine deposits, some now inactive talus fans are referable to the last interglacial period. These fans are situated within valleys where the work of glaciers during the last glaciation was not very intense.Downloads