Osuwiska podmorskie w malmie i senonie mezozoicznego obrzeżenia Gór Śwtętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Radwański


SUBMABINE SLIDES OF EPICONTINENTAL UPPER JURASSIC AND UPPER CRETACEOUS MARGINS OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS. (CENTRAL POLAND)Submarine slides within the Mesozoic seas of the margins of the Palaeozoic Holy Cross Mountains occur during the Upper Astartian and Lower Kimeridgianas as well as during the Lower Santonian. The Jurassic structures are flow folds and avalanche deposits with the predominance of Various balls. The Cretaceous structure is a breccia formed by slumping. Seismic disturbances, associated first with young-Cimmerian and later with sub-Hercynian tectonic movements, are most likely responsible for the here considered slides. The slumping disturbances occur within carbonate sediments i. e. various limestones and marls.



