Badania geochemiczne warstw gruszowskich z kopalni "Gliwice"


  • Lidia Chodyniecka


GEOCHICAL INVESTIGATIONS OP THE GRUSZÓW BEDS FROM THE “GLlWICE” COAL MINEAn 80 m thick series of rocks from the lower horizons of the Gruszów beds (the marginal beds – Namurian) in the “Gliwice” coalmine has been microscopically, chemically and spectrally examined. This series consists of claystones, coal shales, mudstones and fine-grained sandstones. Montmorillonite is the most representative constituent of the rocks under consideration. Ilite and nontronite occur, too. Volcanic glass is present in the absolute majority of the rocks examined by the writer. Zircon represents the heavy mineral group. On evidence of the calculated amount of electrolytes and the concentration of coal-substance in the rocks just mentioned it has been determined that the sedimentation basin of this relatively thin series had three times emerged and again subsided during the time of deposition.



