Kambr środkowy w Górach Świętokrzyskich
THE MIDDLE CAMBRIAN IN THE HOLY CROSS MTS. The lithoIogy and stratigraphy of the Middle Cambrian in the Holy Cross Mts. are discussed. The development of this member of the Cambrian system attains its maximum in the eastern part where it is represented by a series of clastic rocks bearing a rich fauna of trilobites, brachiopods, gastropods and Archaeocyata. The lower and middle stages of the Middle Cambrian (after A. H. Westergard 1946) are palaeontologically documented while the uppermost stage is without palaeontological evidence. In the western part the Middle Cambrian is developed as mudstones and sandstones of indeterminate thickness, with a fauna of trilobites and brachiopods. Here the lower and middle stages of the Middle Cambrian are also palaeontologically documented. The fauna provides adequate material for the correlation of the particular profiles or occurrence sites of the Middle Cambrian.Downloads