Przejawy tektoniki mioceńskiej w Zagłębiu Górnośląskim


  • Stefan Witold Alexandrowicz


MIOCENE TECTONICS IN THE UPPER SILESIAN BASINA brief outline is given of the stratigraphy of the Miocene deposits in the Upper Silesian basin; the Lower and Upper Tortonian as well as the Sarmatian stages have been differentiated. The stratigraphic data thus obtained provided a basis for determining the time of the formation of a number of graben and horst structures. An analysis of the nature and sequence of the tectonic events reliably indicate their synsedimentary character in relation to the deposits of the Tortonian sea. During the Tortonian and the Sarmatian we note the progressive S-N and W-E development of subsidence movements. This process led to the formation of the foredeep graben: its western part (between Cieszyn and Kraków) formed mainly in the Lower Tortonian, the eastern part (between Kraków and Przemyśl) in the Upper Tortonian and the Sarmatian.



