Przewodni horyzont problematyków w wapieniu muszlowym Ziemi Lubuskiej


  • Adam Tokarski


Key horizon of problematica in the muschelkalk of Ziemia LubuskaAn analysis of borehole maierials from the NW of the Fore-iSudetic monocline reveals the connection  of the Silesian stratotype of the Lower Muschelkalk bearing Alpine influences, with the Middle-European two-cyclothem sulphatic evaporate facies of the Middle Muschelkalk. Two groups of soft ground problematica twice precede the setting in of evaporite sedimentation to which they are paleoecologically related. The lower problematica are stratigraphic markers, also in the subsurface of the Carpathian Foreland, similarly as is the "Terebratula" inlayer lower down. Other lithostratigraphic boundaries are more diachronic. The above are hints in the study of the Muschelkalk deposits pierced directly above perspective gas and oil complexes within the Fore-Sudetic monocline.



