A revision of the ammonite types described in F. ROEMER'S 'Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen Einschliisse' (1852)


  • William J. Kennedy Geological Collections, University Museum, Parks &ad, OxfOTd, OXI 3PW
  • Jake M. Hancock Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Royal School of Mines, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BP
  • William A. Cobban 70 Estes Street, Lakewood, Colorodo 80226
  • Neil H. Landman


Ammonites, Texas, C.R. Roemer, Cretaceous, Type material


The type material orthe ammonites described in F. ROEMER'S 'Die Kreidebildungen von Texas und ihre organischen Einschlusse' (1852) is revised, and referred to Nowakites flaccidicosta (ROEMER, 1852), Texasia denlatocarinata (ROEMER, 1852), Placenticeras syrtale (MORTON, 1834), Texanites (Texanites) texanus texanus (ROEMER, 1852), Tetaniles (Texanites) roemeri (YABE & SHIMIZU, 1923), Mariella (Wintonia) brazoensis (ROEMER, 1852), Baculites asperoanceps Lasswitz, 1904, Bacufiles sp., and Scaphites (Scaphiles) semicostatus ROEMER, 1852.


