Współczesne żwiry i piaski górnego biegu Odry


  • Zdenek Riha


LlTHOLOGICAL AND GRANULOMETRlC INVESTIGATIONS OF RECENT GRAVELS AND SANDS IN THE UPPER ODER VALLEY (CZECHOSLOVAKIA)A report is made on the investigations of the recent gravels and sands from the upper course of the Oder which drains the Hercynian Jeseniky range (Odersk¾ Vrchú) and the Carpathian Flysch of the Beskidy Mts. (fig. 1). The lithology of the pebbles is analysed and their shape, degree of roundness end flatness correlated with the length of transport. The uppermost course of the Oder drains the Oderske Vrchú Mts. Which consist of Culm deposits, and the sediments there are made up exclusively of Culm material. In the Moravian Gate, in addition to Culm material, there also occur considerable amounts of Flysch deposits from the Beskidy Mts. and quartz of various origin (fig. 2). Farther downstream the Oder, to the Polish frontier the left tributaries carry Culm material while the right tributaries bring Flysch and Pleistocene material (fig. 3, plates I and II). The writer emphasizes the dependence of the roundness and shape of pebbles on the origin of the material.



