Środowisko sedymentacyjne piaskowców Szczelińca


  • Tomasz Jerzykiewicz


THE SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENT OF SZCZELINIEC SANDSTONESA description is given of the sedimentary structures in marine sandstones of which the socle of Szczeliniec is made (Upper Cretaceous of the Intrasudetic basin). Cross-bedding measurements have been made in individual sedimentary units. They have been supplemented by the investigations of: 1° the grain-size, 2° the roundness and sphericity of grains, 3° the mineral composition of the sandstones. The writer's observations enabled him to characterize the current-flow associated with the deposition of the Szczeliniec sandstones as well as to determine the transport direction of the detrital material and to compare the sandstones with the forms of accumulation being built in the shelf zone. The writer belives that the sudden appearance in the section of the Szczeliniec sandstones of the small-scale cross-stratified units is connected with the development of the shoreline and the shallowing of the sedimentary basin.



