Plejstoceński profil pyłkowy z okolic Koniecpola nad Pilicą


  • Jerzy Niklewski


THE PLEISTOCENE POLLEN PROFILE FROM THE VlCINITY OF KONlECPOL ON THE PILICAThe pollen profile of a layer of brown silts containing a thin peat intercalation and separating two undrained series exposed in the Św. Piotr hill near Kaniecpol suggests a climatic oscillation of the magnitude of an interphase. This oscillation was probably responsible for a lowering of the water table in the basin and for an agglomeration of peat in the whole basin or at least a part of it. It also caused an intermittent invasion by a mixed pine and birch forest of an area which, before and after that time, was occupied by open plant assemblages of the tundra type.



