Stratygrafia Czwartorzędu północnych okolic Koniecpola nad Pilicą


  • Jan Czarnik


QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY OF THE COUNTRY NORTH OF KONlECPOL ON THE PILICA (CENTRAL POLAND)Two Tertiary planes of degradation on the Upper Cretaceous substratum are reported from an area lying north of Koniecpol. These planes were cut due to erosion, probably after the regression of the Tortonian sea but prior to the Pleistocene. No deposits of the older Pleistocene have been found within the area under consideration. The Middle Polish Glaciation is associated with the fomnation of three series of undrained deposits: from shallow undrained peat lakes a boulder clay horizon and frontal moraine hills. The decline of the Middle Polish Glaciation witnessed the development of periglacial phenomena and the formation of terrace III of the Pilica river. During the Eemian, interglacial erosion set in followed by the accumulation of the lower sands of terrace II. The accumulation of the upper part of terrace II occurred during the Baltic Glaciation. The close of the latter saw the formation of dunes on terraces II and III as well as within areas outside of valleys. Fluvial erosion took place at the beginning of the Holocene, followed by the accumulation of sands and fluvial silts of terrace I. The formation of peatbogs in the valley of the Pilica and its tributary valleys started after the formation of terrace I.



