Czwartorzęd okolic Gostomii nad Pilicą


  • Romualda Dudaronek


THE QUATERNARY IN THE ENVIRONS OF GOSTOMIA ON THE PILICA RIVERTwo glacial series have been distinguished in the environs of Gostomia on the Pilica (60 km. to SSW from Warsaw). They overlie the preglacial silt-and-sand deposits, which are the oldest link of the Quaternary and which are exposed in the lowest part of escarpment of the Pilica valley (fig. 1 and 2). The older glacial series corresponds to the Cracovian Glaciation (Mindel). It is represented mainly by residual morainic material. The destruction and removal of the greater part of the Cracovian Glaciation deposits took place during the Great Interglacial owing to erosive and denudation processes. The younger glacial series in the investigated area is connected with the Middle Polish Glaciation (Riss). It is represented by two morainic horizons – the lower of them corresponds to the maximal stadial of the Middle Polish Glaciation, and the upper one to the Warta stadial of this glaciation. These two horizons are separated by fluvioglacial sands. The ice sheet of the maximal stadial of the discussed glaciation covered the whole investigated area “going” farther south. The ice sheet of the Warta Glacistadial reached most probably only the northern and central part of this terrain. It accumulated here the clearly marked end-moraines (tab. I).



