Główne rysy budowy geologicznej i stratygrafii czwartorzędu lewobrzeżnej strefy dolnej Pilicy


  • Hanna Ruszczyńska-Szenajch


MAIN FEATURES OF THE GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE AND OF THE QUATERNARY STRATIGRAPHY IN THE REGION OF THE LOWER PILICA RIVER (MIDDLE POLAND)The present paper gives the general characteristics of the geological structure of the area situated just north of the lower Pilica river (fig. 1). The question has been elaborated mainly from the stratigraphic point of view. It summarizes the results of the works of seven authors (Dudaronek 1966, Dudek 1966, Grzybowski 1966, Rosłaniec-Chodnikiewicz 1966, Rywocka-Kenig 1966, Stawin 1966, Wysoczański-Minkowicz 1966), which are published in the present issue of "Acta Geologica Polonica". They have been prepared, under the guidance of Professor Dr. S. Z. Różycki, as diploma works for the master's degree at the Chair of Quaternary Geology of the Warsaw University. The writer was in charge of the students' field work. The data supplied by the students' works are supplemented by the observations and more detailed field investigations of the present writer herself. The Pleistocene of the discussed area is represented by the Eopleistocene so called "Preglacial" series of fluvial accumulation, and by two series of glacial origin separated by interglacial (s.c. Great Interglacial) erosional surface and interglacial deposits accumulated mainly in water environments. The older glacial series corresponds to the Cracovian (Mindel) Glaciation, while the younger one is connected with the Middle Polish (Riss) Glaciation. The latter shows clearly two horizons representing two glacistadials namely the Radomka- and the Warta Glacistadial. These glacial horizons are separated by interstadial series of fluvial and fluvioglacial accumulation. The glacial horizon of the Warta Glacistadial occurs commonly on the surface of the area (tabl. I), being represented by boulder clay as well as by numerous forms of glacial accumulation such as end-moraines, eskers and kames.



