Rozwój facjalny i paleogeografia cechsztynu w rejonie wyniesienia Łeby


  • Hubert Szaniawski


FACIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE ZECHSTEIN WITHIN THE ELEVATION OF ŁEBAThe area of the tectonic units of the Łeba elevation as well as those of the peri-Baltic syneclise and of the north-eastern part of the Pomeranian synclinorium formed a bay within the Zechstein sea. The bay displayed a particular type of sedimentation. A line running from Koszalin through Bobolice to Chojnice, indicated by borings, marks the boundary between the Zechstein facies of the bay type in the north-east and the Zechstein type of the central basin in the south-west. During the sedimentation of the Werra cyclothem, the hypothetical land in Pomerania was merely an underwater elevation, and the rock salt occurring throughout the Łeba elevation belongs exclusively to that cyclothem. Towards the close of sedimentation of the Werra cyclothem the platform area was gradually uplifted beginning from the north, while in the higher cyclothems the central part of the bay was shifted to the south-east. By the end of sedimentation of the Leine cyclothem the whole area of the original bay had already emerged.



