Strefy facjalne dolnego karbonu antyklinorium śląsko-krakowskiego


  • Karol Bojkowski
  • Stanisław Bukowy


THE FACIAL ZONES OF THE LOWER CARBONlFEROUS IN THE SILESIA-CRACOW ANTICLINORlUMThe facial zones of the Lower Carboniferous in the Silesia-Cracow anticlinorium trend N-S in the western part but NW-SE in the eastern part. They are connected with the two intrageosynclinal basins separated by the intrageoanticlinal threshold. In the western (Silesian-Moravian) basin there developed the Culm facies connected with sedimentation of the Flysch and the hemipelagic type, while carbonate and carbonate-argillaceous facies connected with sedimentation of the near-reef and the pelagic type developed in the eastern (Woźniki-Słomniki) basin. The Katowice-Bielsko threshold separating these two basins, was either subject to erosion in the Lower Carboniferous, or neritic deposits of the intrageoanticlinal type were laid down there. During the Upper Carboniferous the south-eastern part of the Upper Silesia Coal Basin formed on the above threshold.



