Paleogeografia dolnego ordowiku w rejonie kieleckim Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Wiesław Bednarczyk


LOWER ORDOVICIAN PALAEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE KIELCE REGION IN THE HOLY CROSS MTS.An account is given of the palaeogeographic and facial relations in the Kielce region of the Holy Cross Mts. during the Tremadocian and the Arenigian. It has been observed that the eroded area of the Sandomirides was overflooded gradually and from, more than one direction. The main trends of sea transgression were: an earlier one from the south-east and a somewhat later one from the south and the south-west. During the Tremadocian there existed a route connecting the sea that was encroaching upon the area here considered with the north (Scandinavia and the Baltic provinces) as well as with the south (the Barrandian). In spite of the transgressive character of the deposits, local upheavals are observable towards the close of the Tremadocian (Zbrza, Chojnów Dół) and local shaIlowings at the end of the Arenigian (Zalesie Nowe, Lenarczyce, Międzygórz). These did not, however, affect the character of the sea basin.



