Stratygrafia osadów czwartorzędowych w dolinie środkowej Nidy

Maciej Hakenberg, Leszek Lindner


Quaternary deposits of the middle Nida valley

The investigated area of the middle course of the Nida valley was covered in the, Pleistocene only by the ice sheet of the Cracovian glaciation (Mindel - GII), and during ,the other glaciations (Günz - GI, Riss - GIII, and Würm - GIV) it was situated Within a zone of periglacial processes. Among the recognized alluvial series, four represent subsequent interglacial (Cromerian – JI/II, Holstein – JII/III and Eemian – JIII/IV) or interstadial (Younger Dryas) periods, and the fifth one represents recent fluvial deposits.

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