Fotointerpretacja struktur fałdowych w południowej części centralnej karpackiej


  • Andrzej Pszczółkowski


AERIAL PHOTO INTERPRETATlON OF FOLD STRUCTURES IN THE SOUTHERN PART OF THE CENTRAL CARPATHIAN DEPRESSION (POLISH FLYSH CARPATHIANS)Results of the geologic interpretation of aerial photographs of the southern part of the central Carpathian depression are presented. This area is built of Oligocene Krosno beds. On the basis of the photo interpretation data it was possible to change and complete the outline of the tectonic structure of this area previously described by Z. Opolski (1930). Moreover, a local overthrust was detected. The photo interpretation analysis gave the best results in areas of a definite lithologic composition of the Krosno beds, developed as large sets of thick-bedded sandstones with thinner shale-sandstone intercalations. Landforms and vegetation pattern are the main photo interpretation clues in this region.



