Tektonika Góry Przedziwnej w południowo-zachodnim zapleczu Iwonicza-Zdroju


  • Adam Tokarski


THE TECTONICS OF MT. PRZEDZIWNA IN THE SOUTHWESTERN REAR OF BATH- IWONICZThe tectonics of a 950 m long outcrop in the steep southern limb of the Bath-Iwonicz fold on its axial bend convex to the NNE are characterised by sub-menilite shale outcrops subdivided by main silex beds and underlain by pseudo-Ciężkowice sandstones which overlie the first variegated shales. Among the cross and oblique dislocations forked to the N there occur six tectonic blocks which generally descend to the W, i.e. in the direction of the plunging of the fold. The downthrows of these blocks revived probably as morphotectonic subsidence. The longitudinal dislocations of two blocks announce more intensive complications evolving to the SE along the fold in the Bieszczady Mts. group. The intradislocational segments of the psedo-Ciężkowice sandstone between the shales of their top and bottom were altered into “macro-boudinage" lenses. Hence a detailed geological mapping of minor elements may prove very useful in the comparative study of major units.



