Kotlina Gołkowa w ostatnim interglacjale
THE GOŁKÓW DEPRESSION DURING THE LAST INTERGLACIALThe sedimentary series filling in the postglacial Gołków depression (18 kmS of Warsaw), comprises practically the whole last interglacial Four climatic oscillations of the order of a stadial, also an older one, are distinguishable here after the main interglacial optimum. The last two oscillations are connected with two periods of erosion, each one followed by accumulation of deposits with an increase in the pelitic fraction; These oscillations coincide with the period of sedimentation of the two older series of the younger loess in the south. of Poland. The mass, occurrence at Gołków of the cones of Pinus mughus has its origin in the lower peat layer representing the first post-optimal cooling of the climate.Downloads