Dolnotortońskie piaski w Nawodzicach koło Klimontowa, ich fauna i wykształcenie facjalne


  • Wacław Bałuk
  • Andrzej Radwański


LOWER TORTONlAN SANDS AT NAWODZlCE (SOUTHERN SLOPES OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS.), TIIBIR FAUNA AND FACIAL DEVELOPMENTThe Lower Tortonian sands at Nawodzice near Klimontów (southern slopes of the Holy Cross Mts., Central Poland) abound in systematically differentiated fossils, including such forms as polychaetes, bryozoans, gastropods, pelecypods, cirripeds, crabs, starfishes, echinoids and burrows of lobsters. Cirripeds of the genus Verruca Schumacher and starfishes of the families Goniasteridae Forbes and Astropectinidae Gray are remarkably well preserved. The ecological analysis of the fauna, as well as the sedimentological-facial analysis of the deposits indicate that the sands at Nawodzice sedimented under very shallow marine environment or even in the nearshore zone of the offshore.


