Małżoraczki z profilu potoku Sztolnia w pienińskim pasie skałkowym Polski


  • Janusz Błaszyk


OSTRACODS FROM THE SZTOLNlA CREEK PROFILE IN THE PIENlNY KLIPPEN BELT OF POLANDThe ostracods of the so-called “Sztolnia beds” from the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Poland are described. These beds and their age are discussed in a paper by Birkenmajer and Pazdro (1968). Ostracods belonging to the species:Cytherella woltersdorfi OertiCardobairdia inflata Szczechura & BłaszykBairdia sp.Pontocyprella sp. 1Pontocyprella sp. 2Gen. et. Sp. ind. (ex fam. Cytheridae Baird)Darwinula cf. oblonga (Roemer)have been found in samples no. 2 and 4 taken from the middle part of the Sztolnia creek (cf. Birkenmajer & Pazdro 1968, fig. 4B). The absence of index species puts obstacles in the way of a proper stratigraphical assignment of the beds which yielded the ostracods described here. Taking into account that two forms specifically determined occur only in the Jurassic, and that other forms come closest to the Jurassic forms, it is most likely that the beds are Jurassic in age. This opinion is reliably confirmed by the absence of forms typical of the Cretaceous.



