W sprawie tzw. "warstw ze Sztolni" w pienińskim pasie skałkowym Polski


  • Krzysztof Birkenmajer
  • Olga Pazdro


ON THE SO-CALLED “SZTOLNIA BEDS" IN THE PIENINY KLIPPEN BELT OF POLANDThe authors discuss the problems of age and stratigraphic-tectonic position of some flysch beds in the Pieniny Klippen Belt of Poland, known so far as the Flysch Aalenian.It was Sikora (1962a, b) who renamed these flysch beds as the “Sztolnia Beds", and tried to prove their Cenomanian age. The geological investigations carried out by K. Birkenmajer, and the micropalaeontological analysis performed by O. Pazdro, support, however, the Aalenian age of the beds in question. K. Birkenmajer presents, moreover, a stratigraphical column of the Magura Series of the northern border of the Pieniny Klippen Belt east of Szczawnica, discusses the relation of the transgressive Palaeogene Mantle to the Klippen series, and the role of the Laramide folding.



