Budowa geologiczna południowo-zachodniego skłonu anteklizy mazurskiej


  • Janina Motyl-Rakowska
  • Krzysztof Schoeneich


GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH-WESTERN SLOPE OP THE MASURIAN ANTECLISESeismic and geologic studies, carried out for a number of years, have greatly contributed to the knowledge of the Iithology and stratigraphy of the south-western slope of the Masurian anteclise and have facilitated the compilation of a detailed structural map of the Sub-permian surface. A set of tectonic grabens, so far never reported from the Polish part of the East European Platform, has been shown, and several regional faults have been observed. These faults formed during the Paleozoic but remained active up to and through the Upper Triassc. No subsequent movements have been observed in the fault planes. It may be reasonably supposed that the grabens were formed at the Carboniferous/Permian boundary, while their synsedimentary development continued to the Lower Cretaceous. Movements in the planes modelling the grabens are still now going on but the overlying Upper Cretaceous and Cenozoic rocks have not been affected by them. 



