Transgresja dolnego tortonu na południowo-wschodnich i wschodnich stokach Gór Swiętokrzyskich


  • Andrzej Radwański


Lower Tortonian transgression onto the south-eastern and eastern slopes of the Holy Cross MtsThe problems presented concern the Lower Tortonian transgression onto the south-eastern and eastern slopes of the Holy Cross Mts (Central Poland). The development and distribution of the transgresive deposits, the facial features of which depended on the local morphology of substrate and distance from the shoreline are studied in detail. Organic communities, both floral (lithothamnians) and faunal, their ecology, taphonomy and environmental significance are also considered. On such a basis, shallow marine conditions are reconstructed and the paleogeography of the region discussed. The Lower Tortonian transgression was the only marine invasion in the Miocene herein and its sedimentary cycle resulted from subsequent changes in the morphology of both the flooded area and the adjacent Holy Cross land. In this cycle, the sedimentation of diversified·sandy and calcareous, mostly lithothamnian facies was succeeded by a widespread sublittoral accumulation of dertrital material derived from the contemporaneously block-uplifted marginal parts of the basin. The progressing block-faulting processes in the Holy Cross land resulted in the gradual emersion of the area in which the marine basin had consequently vanished.



