Glacjalne tarasy marginalne lądolodu zlodowacenia środkowopolskiego na północno-zachodnim obrzeżeniu Gór Świętokrzyskich


  • Leszek Lindner


GLACIAL MARGINAL TERRACES OF THE MIDDLE POLISH ICE SHEET IN THE NW MARGIN OF THE HOLY CROSS MTS. In the NW margin of the Holy Crss Mts. a short stay of the front of the Middle Polish (Riss) glacier was followed by a period of shrinking of the ice masses, in the result of the glacioscillation decline. The latter processes were characterized by subsequent areal deglaciation processes (interglacisubphases) and indistinct ice transgression that led to the formation of new ice fronts of smaller and smaller extents (glacisubphases). The four arenaceous marginal terraces, preserved in fragments, bordered by small front moraines in some areas, are the result of the forced accumulation activity of the proglacial and extraglacial waters during the glacisubphase period.



