Budowa geologiczna rejonu Pionki-Zwoleń (NW część obszaru lubelskiego)


  • Eugeniusz Senkowicz


Geology and structures of the Pionki-Zwoleń region (NW part of the Lublin area)The geology is here presented of the Pionki-Zwoleń region on the basis of deep borehole material as well as on the results of seismic - chiefly reflexive - investigations. The stratigraphy and lithology of the pierced sediments are also discussed, beginning with the Silurian through the Cretaceous Whose most complete development has been observed in the northern part of the area here considered. Three structural complexes have been differentiated:·the structural upper stage of the folded Caledonian substratum - present only in the SW part, the structural Devonian-Carboniferous complex, and the structural Permo-Mesozoic complex. The two latter complexes occur throughout the region under consideration. Moreover, the development is also described of the sedimentary basins, from the Silurian to the Cretaceous.



