Ctenacanthiform Cladodont Teeth from the Lower PermianWichita Group, Texas, U.S.A.
Gary D. Johnson
Shuler Museum of Paleontology, Institute for the Study of Earth and Man Southern Methodist University, PO Box 750274, Dallas, TX 75275-0274
Ctenacanthiform shark teeth, Lower Permian, Artinskian, Texas, USA.
Isolated teeth of Glikmanius occidentalis occur in ten vertebrate faunas in theWaggoner Ranch Formation and in one fauna in the underlying Petrolia Formation. They range in size (anteromedial-posterolateral base length) from 1.28mmto 10.15mm(n = 12). In addition to the typical teeth, one with an asymmetrical base and one possible posterior tooth (both G. ?occidentalis), and a questionable symphyseal tooth (Glikmanius?), occur in the collection.